Classical Voice Training Coach
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yeah it was mine, this is a redesign
ReplyI love the concept of the note being the %5Bcorrect me if I'm wrong here%5D bowl of the 'D'. My only suggestion would be to make it slightly larger.***
ReplyI agree with heirophant, and the curve on the front of the D could use some finer shaping )) that way. It might be because of where the top part of the note comes into the D? I don't really think you need the top part of note as it is distracting especially at that extreme curve.
ReplyToo many D's! :) logomotive do you mean I should lose the curve at the top of the note or lose the arms completely? I agree about making it larger, good call.
ReplyGareth, no problem, never been good at explaining my thoughts.*The %22note%22 d in the case is acting as the counter or negative space, so as your facing it look to the left of the note, then see the difference in white area to the right. The left has too much or right not enough. This can be compensated by making the bowl ( curve ) wider or moving note over. The top part of the note looks like a nick in the D instead of what it's suppose to. have you thought about placing the entire note inside? not sure if would work but I feel it would represent the lil' d also.Just my opinion. Hope I explained it a little better.
Replysorry climax ths project was inititially cancelled so I deleted but it has since resurfaced, sorry if Ive caused any problems. Logomotive (Mike right?) thank for the advice, I'm on it %3B)
ReplyUpdated. Im not sure if I prefer the previous version.
ReplyI like this. Good concept and clean execution.**Great advice all.
ReplyWell, sometimes the little details make all the difference. IMO this is looking better each time, I still think the bowl of the D needs to be slightly wider. If you Ever measure a character with a bowl, it is always slighter wider (from counter to bowl) than the stem, it's an optical thing due to the loss of white space at the curves. It helps If you look at it as a square box. Sorry to be so nit picky but considering it is the main focal point, it's something I would address.
ReplyGreat work.
ReplyI'm really impressed with this. It makes so much sense and caters perfectly to it's purpose. Fantastic!
ReplyOverlooked this. Nice one.
Replyyep, it strong.
ReplySimple, pure.*Very good.**
Replyvery nice concept ! great work
Replythanks everyone for the kind comments
Replygreat, love it....not very keen on the type tho :)
ReplyStill loving this badboy.
ReplyLove it!
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