Just an idea that I wanted to share, not trying to say "look I can do better", maybe I can but still this is not the point here.... ;))) It's just that everytime I hear "London" mentioned, this phrase pops up into my head - You've heard it it in movies, interviews, music videos, it is like a real London symbol, only vocal... I just made it graphic :)) I added a sun, to emphasize on the games being during the summer and made it with 5 rays - for five rings, five continets, etc. I think it represents London very well, don't you?
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Lets Discuss
Stefan, your effort is very positive, it's open and it's something new and distinguished from all the other Olympic Games logos. It's always wonderful to see someone breaking out of the common and %22rules%22.*Outstanding. Superb to me!
ReplyThanx mate %3B)) I really would like to see if other people really see this like me - the phrase as a symbol of London or I'm jsut dillusional :))))
ReplyA bear......?????
ReplyI immediately thought London and Austin Powers, baby! A really fun image. That would be a great tourism advertising identity - without the Olympic rings.
ReplyHmmmmmm Oh behave!! :)) Austin Powers was the main inspiration no doubt :)))))))
Replyheheh :) *nice!
ReplyI like, but I think it should have rain and grey clouds as thats all we have right now!!
ReplyHhaahhah I'll definately try that :))))))
Replythere are 7 continents :)
ReplyOops....... of course there are seven.... well it's just for fun so no use in fiddling with it anymore :)) Thanx, gypseemoth %3B)
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