
by • Uploaded: Feb. 08 '08


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Description: Concept for an ambient musician.
As seen on: (o_o)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1974

Lets Discuss

cpignatelli Feb. 08 '08

Reminds me of the Rorschach inkblot test. Pretty cool.

OcularInk Feb. 08 '08

What's this for, drew? Would love to hear your thoughts. :-)

drewboy Feb. 08 '08

Thanks Christopher, i was thinking about Rorschach blots when I did this. *Kev - all will be revealed next week! I'm off home %26 can't log on 'cos I'm using Mac OS9... %26 loads of sites don't work with my ancient Mozilla browser...

Hayes Image Feb. 08 '08

That's cool Drew, I too saw a beetle at first glance, I also saw a bird shape towards*the bottom...can't wait to hear what it's for :)

firebrand Feb. 08 '08

I see a large cat's face with a small angel on it's nose.

drewboy Feb. 11 '08

This is actually for a colleague who makes ambient music. He asked me to create a logo, but didn't have a name for the project, so I started work on this as 'Unititled'. The music is very difficult to define, so I decided to make an ambiguous image which could be read in many ways. I used this colour scheme because a lot of the sounds are pretty dark.

Hayes Image Feb. 11 '08

Then I'd say you succeeded Drew, this logo is extremely open to interpretation...

raja Feb. 12 '08

let us hear the music man!**also, i'd love to see this with higher contrast**nice design

drewboy Feb. 13 '08

Thanks for the comments everyone. I'd like to post the music somewhere Raj, but the guy who makes it doesn't want anything released until it's 'finished' - I might post a higher constrast version, but I wanted it to be really subtle%3B like when you realize that the music is on because the atmosphere in the room has changed ... not so much a noise as a feeling.


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