New tex mex style eatery.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
Beautifully done and tasty looking.
Replythanks janzabransky... still a few little bits to touch up on.
ReplyVery nice Good Font Choice!
ReplygOOd oNe............
ReplyWonderful work !!
Replythanks for all the comments... nice to make the gallery!
ReplyEsta excelente felicidades....
ReplyQuick question, have you tried moving the Jalapenos type and the graphics up a bit so that the top of the flames and jalapenos start to break the edge of the enclosure? This would allow for the subtext at the bottom to be larger and more legible. Just nit-picking at you. Looks good.
ReplyPorqu%E9 no 'Jalape%F1os'? seria mas tex-mex no? de cualquier manera buen trabajo!
ReplyI have added an accent over the 'n' and also the client has asked to see another font style which is a pity because I like the flow of this myself. They reckon the 'J' looks more like an 'F'.... will update on monday, tis Guinness time now. thanks to all for comments.
ReplyIt look american style. Nice colors and font was a good deal.
ReplyThis looks great to me. Love the type!
ReplyCaliente! :D Great work!
ReplyVery well done.
Replylove the type
ReplyLooks so hot and tasty. Great lettering!
ReplyVery well done.!!*
Replylook good. great job.
Replyhot stuff! :)
Replynice, but how can food be honest?
Reply%5E I agree with marolo!... the amount of times ive brought food home %26 it promised to call me again...
Reply%5E lol nido
ReplyIt's nice!
Replyblia.....wanderful nah!!!
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