Ipsum Creative

by • Uploaded: Jun. 15 '08


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Description: This is the new brand for an advertising & design agency I run with a friend. The mark is our hair :D The site is currently under construction so go at your own risk. UPDATE: I uploaded a second concept here: http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/34115
As seen on: Ipsum Creative 1
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2334

Lets Discuss

brentchristensen Jun. 16 '08

There is a television show aired in the UK and Australia, called Kath %26 Kim. The company which produces it is called Riley Turner Productions. This logo is pretty much exactly the same. A big blonde head of hair, and a long brown head of hair (with no face or body).**It will be copyrighted for sure, internationally too as it is aired in multiple countries.**I tried googling it in order to provide a link, but it just came up with a gay porn star called %22riley turner%22 haha.

sdijock Jun. 18 '08

Not sure what kind of clients you're looking to get with that kind of logo - makes it a little hard to take you guys seriously. Hope you have a killer portfolio to back it up.**BTW - What happens if you guys change your hairstyles???

erikatwebologist Jun. 27 '08

Hey guys. Thanks for the comments, I've been thinking over what I want to do with this concept, and I'm definitely going to take your advice. I should be posting a new version sometime soon.


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