by • Uploaded: Dec. 15 '09
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my favorite animal,logo is cool,like origami
%5E Seriously ? You think it beats Girafrica and World Cow ? And all other origami animals that have mated their way to the Logopond recently ?
lol, I'm waiting for the origami plants that will inhabit this origami animal world.
Epsilon: No I don't think it beats them. Does it need to? Come on!
fanego, I was replying to all4leo comment... though the origami style is rapidly becoming a new cliche.
%5EOh sorry!:) I know the origami thing is getting out of control, but the client really wanted an origamy animal.
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my favorite animal,logo is cool,like origami
Reply%5E Seriously ? You think it beats Girafrica and World Cow ? And all other origami animals that have mated their way to the Logopond recently ?
Replylol, I'm waiting for the origami plants that will inhabit this origami animal world.
ReplyEpsilon: No I don't think it beats them. Does it need to? Come on!
Replyfanego, I was replying to all4leo comment... though the origami style is rapidly becoming a new cliche.
Reply%5EOh sorry!:) I know the origami thing is getting out of control, but the client really wanted an origamy animal.
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