by • Uploaded: Nov. 19 '08
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Description: B PROJECT - Camerman Status: Nothing set Viewed: 1168 Share:
can you incorporate a B in your mark?
Uh.... hello look at the camera.
actually, if his/her intentions were to include a %22B%22 in the mark, it is not obvious IMO. I see 3 circles and an oval which together looks like a good rendition of a camera for this purpose.
me agrada!
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can you incorporate a B in your mark?
ReplyUh.... hello look at the camera.
Replyactually, if his/her intentions were to include a %22B%22 in the mark, it is not obvious IMO. I see 3 circles and an oval which together looks like a good rendition of a camera for this purpose.
Replyme agrada!
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