Highly Decorated fnl

by • Uploaded: Sep. 11 '11 - Gallerized: Sep. '11


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As seen on: Fool's Errand
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 17656

Lets Discuss

designtofeel Sep. 11 '11

Very nice. I probably would have raised %22highly decorated%22 up a bit so the cake is only barely cutting into it, but that's just me. Great work.

Bernd Sep. 11 '11

yes ... that's great !

sdijock Sep. 12 '11

Really clever - nicely executed too. I have to say that this one reads MUCH better as a cake versus your other submissions because of the plate.

logomotive Sep. 12 '11

Really cool idea!! I agree with designtofeel.

richardbaird Sep. 13 '11

Wow the integration of the arrows as the internal cake structure is very clever!

logo design. Sep. 13 '11

Amazing.. Great 3d effeckt :)

theDesignGuy Sep. 13 '11

As a former soldier, I say this is top notch. Love it.

krainiac Sep. 13 '11

That is one tasty logo.

tinocordes Sep. 13 '11

Simple, but very clever logo design!

atomicvibe Sep. 15 '11

AHHHHHHHH...there we go. You were sooooooooo close with all your previous attempts, but this one seals the deal. What a way to work out an effective solution to this amazing concept. I'm so glad that your efforts paid off. Very nice to see this gracing the gallery. Love the pink 'n brown color scheme.**Regarding Sam's comment about moving the type up a little, sure, that probably wouldn't hurt, but I'm actually fine with it being where it is. YES, the cake does cut into the type a bit more than what some would feel comfortable with, but I really don't think it interferes with readability at all.

malicho Sep. 29 '11

the chevrons are so icing on the cake. awesome.

karmakazi Nov. 30 '11

genius. the wordplay, the sergeant chevrons, the use of negative space. outstanding work!

caion Jul. 10 '13

Cakeeeeeeeeee :D


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