Photography of nature

by • Uploaded: Dec. 06 '10 - Gallerized: Aug. '11


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Description: PHOTOGRAPHY of nature - the main idea of this logo is combine tree and photo camera. Nature photography refers to a wide range of photography taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements such as landscapes, wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural scenes and textures.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 29835

Lets Discuss

Matto Dec. 07 '10

Interesting mark gPhoto :)

patriciape Dec. 08 '10

like it looks interesting

kugelis Jan. 16 '11

nice execution, but the concept is unnatural

martinleeday Aug. 04 '11

Nice subtle treatments and a strong identity. Great work.

barta15 May. 11 '13

Hello GPhoto, is there a way I can get in touch with you. I would like to use this logo/business card for my photography. Is it for sale, can I get the full res file?

gphoto Jun. 15 '13

Hello Peter. Yes it for sale. Please contact me by e-mail

Greenen Jul. 31 '15

Hello Gphoto. I fear that this guy here just stole your logo design.

misterjmcooler Jun. 30 '17

hello Gphoto. I'm J.M., new user here just joined LogoPond. I am still trying to figure out what the whole system is. How do others purchase logos they would like to use? I gather that Floating a logo is Liking it but what are Pads? I really enjoy this logo and would like to know more about purchasing rights to using it. Great work btw, keep doing your thing!

gPhoto Jul. 02 '17

Hello mister cooler, Thanks for good words.
If you interested in this logo please contact me by email:

ClimaxDesigns Jul. 03 '17

@misterjmcooler logopond isnt a direct sales site its simply a showcase, though i encourage people to leave contact info on their logs for people like yourself to contact them directly


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