bluesky recording

by • Uploaded: Dec. 12 '11


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Description: unused proposal | bluesky recording studio.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2684
Tags: studio music record blue

Lets Discuss

lumavine Dec. 13 '11

Super concept! You might try rotating it clockwise a few dozen degrees so the bird is not falling backward as much. I could see some refinement in the tail as well - attach it solid to the body and mimic the record groove lines in the tail detail for example. I really like this!

george.wood Dec. 13 '11

thank you guys, for floating.*@Luma, thank a lot for the constructive comment. i didn't continue with polishing work since it has been rejected, i would conduct an experiment as you suggested.**@Mike, @Piotr. kinda, but we had different concepts, yes? glad you like it, and here's another one from this serial.


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