Oak City

by • Uploaded: Nov. 08 '12


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Description: Proposed logo for apartment development.
As seen on: logoturn.com
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 9143
Tags: skyline city apartments highrise

Lets Discuss

nydesign Nov. 11 '12

interesting but this is almost like a Luma Vine Oak Brothers piece.... I dont know if you intentionally did that or a very big coincedence.

Dan. Nov. 11 '12

another similar concept here... http://www.logodesignlove.com/logo-design-from-the-chase - but I think yours is different enough! nice work!

firebrand Nov. 11 '12

and here: http://www.jillcarson.com/logo16.htm

A few others like this on Logo Lounge I\'m afraid.

I\'d be a little wary of offering this for sale.


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