Art Generation

by • Uploaded: Oct. 06 '08 - Gallerized: Oct. '08


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Description: Logo presented for a program for a local art museum to get kids involved in art.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 34367

Lets Discuss

logomotive Oct. 06 '08

I like the concept, have you tried welding the bottom part together? I think if you have just the heads and arms that would be enough. and a nice clean bottom line to form the brush. Just my 2 cents.

sandhya Oct. 06 '08

i agree with logomotive! nice one!

gyui Oct. 06 '08

i like it. i like the separation of the kids from the type because the white space between the kids hints at the white brush bristles. but logomotive's thoughts could work too:) either way I like it a lot.

gtbernstein Oct. 06 '08

Tried it with just the heads and arms and it didn't get that nice look of the bristles of the paint brush. That's why we ended up using the whole bodies.

azacarias7 Oct. 06 '08

Very nice, cought my eye!

penflare Oct. 06 '08

i love it, it looks very nice! floated

hoodvisions Oct. 08 '08

That one is just great - I wouldn't change anything!

joebarondesign Oct. 08 '08

i think this is a very well done logo. The concept and design is on point. I think even if you were able to fit the hands and heads only, it wouldn't be as effective as the whole bodies.

gtbernstein Oct. 08 '08

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the feedback. You'll all probably be amazed to hear the client didn't dig it.

gthobbs Oct. 08 '08

After 18 years doing this...nothing a client does amazes me anymore. Their loss however.

Unit B Oct. 09 '08

Great concept AND execution. Maybe you'll be able to resurrect it for someone who does %22dig it.%22 Hey, maybe they just didn't like red paint! Not sure if I can say this on the post since I'm brand new here (get it, %22brand%22 new?), but the client may just be a putz.

lucadolci Oct. 10 '08

Very nice concept %5E_%5E

miss godbout Oct. 10 '08

indeed very neat idea !

jdizon Oct. 14 '08

Nice! I think changing the all red color of the painted children to a rainbow of colors*might be something to toy around with.. The red reminds me of blood.**

kokolynee Oct. 15 '08

Great idea, very nice execution, and nice choice of type

vinaidv Oct. 15 '08

really a cool design I like the concept and execution.

xpressions Nov. 02 '08

Clever. It's a cool concept.

hipcheck Nov. 14 '08

this is among my fave logos on the site... my only tiny issue is that when it's not full-size, you can't tell that the people are kids. aside from that, I love the white space and all the touches

bnpelsoh Jan. 06 '09

As one of the client decision makers, it's important to note there were several other directions and we choose the one we felt was strongest. **We felt the paint brush represented house painting not art and, as can be seen above, it doesn't work well small.**You can see the logo we chose on our website

logomotive Jan. 06 '09

@ bnpelsoh, I can really buy your point after seeing this was for %22kids%22 but I also agree with Relevant in the fact that the current logo does not convey the %22art%22 message either. Perhaps this one could have been done with more of a artbrush rather than a paint brush. Good logo regardless.

firebrand Jan. 06 '09

Looks a bit generic to me.

vlyons Nov. 06 '09

gtbernstein, can you contact me about this logo?

dercane Nov. 02 '11

Hi Gtbernstein, I am looking for your contact everywhere but I can't find it, could you please contact me for this logo, my email adress is It's a bit urgent. Thanks a lot. Fanny


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