This is a concept type treatment logo for a book cover and many other collateral peices
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ReplyI just love such ornamental stuff :))) Just one thing, how about a lowercase %22e%22? It's the only thing that I can suggest, besides that, it's great :)))))))))
ReplyThos is gorgeous, i love the ornaments too.. and the ansamble... very elegant, and most importantly: it reads well..
Replydreamerworx, i tried the lower case %22e%22 but it looked to plain, for some reason I really like the way this flowed. Thanks for all the comments.
ReplyThe desenders on the t and n..also the asender of d look off,it's a bit squared were the top of h has more of a curved shape.
ReplyI guess rules are meant to be broken in design but typical method the decenders go the opposite way on the d. That is why it looks kind of strange.
ReplyI mean serifs, but I have seen it done this way also and it IS design and does add character.
ReplyVery nicely done, guezworks. Rules are always meant to be broken. So many talented logo designers are doing just that these days. Sometimes they are successful, sometimes not. But you made this work.
ReplyThank you OcularInk, i really enjoyed creating this one.
ReplySick. Love it.
ReplyHit me up when this gets to be a t-shirt! I got my %2420 in hand! Seriously. craigATpatronsaintmediaCOM
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