Newport Beachside

by • Uploaded: Jul. 05 '07 - Gallerized: Jul. '07


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Description: Logo for a Hotel in Miami Beach
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 5846

Lets Discuss

Thomas Jul. 06 '07

Clean and nice. Sorry to have same opinion than first comment. I think it could be better if the mark was aligned with the middle of %22Newport Beachside%22 block and may be a little more up.

guezworks Jul. 06 '07

Thanks for the comments. If I would center it, the gap between the words stands out more. It was a suggestion I was back and forth with the client. But they ended up this way.

KGB Jul. 06 '07

I think the mark needs to be centered over the wordspace and the ampersand needs to be centered under it.

guezworks Jul. 06 '07

yeah, makes total sense.

slightlyshocked Jul. 31 '07

Very cool. Awesome color scheme.

neogrey Aug. 09 '07

Trajan again? Why don't you use something freshier within the same style: New Renaissance from Galapagos Design:**


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