Ohio Commercial Airports #2

by • Uploaded: Mar. 17 '09


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Description: concept 2 for the 7 major passenger airports of Ohio. The lines represent the exhaust trails left by airplanes in the sky. 7 trails for 7 airports.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3004

Lets Discuss

Paul Rand Mar. 18 '09

This is a nice concept of using the contrails in colors.*The brown and black ones seems pollutants though.

gyui Mar. 18 '09

the black and brown represent the really old planes :) %0D*%0D*thanks for the thoughts Paul Rand, I'll definitely look into changing the colors of those two.

Tømme Apr. 25 '09

this reminds me of that family game Mikado, with those nasty sticks that aren't allowed to move when you pick one :P

tass Jun. 16 '09

It has a nice feeling

gyui Jun. 19 '09

@T%F8mme - Mikado, funny you mentioned that, the pick up sticks game was sort of my inspiration for this one. :)%0D*%0D*@tass - i really liked this one too, but the client thought it was too abstract. oh well :P

firebrand Jun. 19 '09

Loving the concept. The contrails also look like runways.

gyui Jun. 19 '09

Thanks firebrand, there were a few levels that this represented, i should have left the pick up sticks reference out :P


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