WaSayang Collection 5

by • Uploaded: Oct. 25 '10


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Description: Live Brief for my final year project
Status: Student work
Viewed: 1226

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hazelc Oct. 25 '10

Hi guys i need some comments between this logo and this http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/119415*in terms of the logo instead of the color.

lecart Oct. 25 '10

i like this one the most

noblehuman Oct. 25 '10

I like this one much better than the other one too. Great work! It feels like %22Collection%22 can go up in size a bit though.

wiking Oct. 25 '10

I prefer this one. It has a much better flow to it. That being said, watch your kerning. Mainly the spaces between W and A...A and Y %26 the Y and A. Good luck with your final.

hazelc Oct. 25 '10

Thank so so much for the comments. That means a lot to me. %3D)

lumavine Oct. 25 '10

Love the mark. It is organic but a bit mysterious. The kerning needs a lot of work, and I am not sure about those typefaces with the mark, but it could work. Maybe track out the text a bit to give it a more open feel?

hazelc Oct. 25 '10

Hi lumavine i hope you won't mind explaining that %22open feel%22 that you're talking about. I've tried to work on the typeface. %22with WAS being placed together it's really hard to work on the kerning part. **Would like to listen from all the professionals here how should i work on the kerning part so that it looks equal.

lumavine Oct. 26 '10

WA, AY, and YA are pretty far apart. I was suggesting that you space out the rest of the letters instead of tightening up those pairs. I hope that makes sense and is helpful!

hazelc Oct. 26 '10

Hi lumavine. Thank you so so much. %3D) That's really helpful.

thomas Oct. 29 '10

Very graceful, I like it!


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