Street Ministries

by • Uploaded: May. 17 '09


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Description: This is a logo refresh for a long-time client of mine.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1302

Lets Discuss

iamthez May. 17 '09

Feedback would be awesome.

nido May. 17 '09

not a bad idea using a street sign for this.. but maybe the SM could be improved?.. or maybe even replaced with an image.. like the type you get on street signs.. a typical one.. but with a %22ministering%22 twist?...

iamthez May. 19 '09

Thanks for the feedback. I'm working on the %22s%22 and %22m%22, but no halo or wingy things. The organization is Christian, but we're trying to stay away from cliches.


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