North Fork Catering

by • Uploaded: Nov. 14 '07


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Description: logo for a young, fresh catering company in montana. wanted to give a sense of direction without being too blatent.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1055

Lets Discuss

straycloud Nov. 14 '07

Blatent like a fork for a needle in a compass?

KGB Nov. 15 '07

I think the fork it overpowering the type. and the shadow from the fork is distracting.

yourcreditcheck Nov. 15 '07

I liked it at first glance, but now that I really look at it, I can see what you need to do.*Make north, fork and the actual fork be on the same level. Then run catering all along the bottom of it. Play with the shadow to get some magic going. I can already see it. almost there in my opinion!

stevietime Nov. 15 '07

The shadow of the fork points northwest and for some reason that's what I look at. I like the way it looks, but that messes up the concept a little bit for me.

inkworks01 Nov. 15 '07

thanks everyone. i think your advice is helpful. do you think the fork needs to be smaller? **stevie... why does the direction of the shadow mess up the concept?


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