
by • Uploaded: Jul. 31 '17


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Description: Alleoss is a headhunting and human resources management firm established in Monterrey, N.L.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 8464
Tags: perspectiva perspective triangulo triangle

Lets Discuss

ClimaxDesigns Nov. 23 '17

Hmm I'll remove from gallery because of the accusation, but im not 100% sold that she actually copied your logo, not hard to come up with same angles based on letterform @7gone

ivishga Nov. 23 '17

@7gone This is the first time I hear of this. I can show you the design process and revisions by the client if you're that concerned. For starters the id is just a basic shape (a triangle (just like yours) and the angle of the color divisions comes from the cropped inner triangle. Next time try contacting me if you really want clarity before making such bold statements.

ivishga Nov. 23 '17

@7gone @7gone Since you seem to be fighting me on two fronts (on FB and Logopoond) let me just copy and paste the discussion (if there's even one) I'm not afraid of taking the talk in public I'm quite confident of my design process but judging by how convinced you seem to be now it looks already like a fruitless discussion to have 'cos I'm quite positive that there's nothing I can say or do to convince of the opposite. I also know why I chose those angles on the letter A. To me that I didn't even know of the existence of yours seems just like a funny coincidence. I just want to let you know that this won't be the first nor the last design that will match with others in appereance. Kudos. And if you're that adamant to believe on the basic nature of our designs here's an example for you


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