by • Uploaded: Aug. 29 '08
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Description: Sketch Status: Just for fun Viewed: 3335 Share:
luv is nuts .. you mean%3B)
My bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips... :))))
nido: yeah... but i wanted to use the same amount of letters... guess it will be %22luv's nuts%22 then...**relevant: haha lol
love it.
pure genius haha
GROSS. No, this is funny.
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luv is nuts .. you mean%3B)
ReplyMy bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips... :))))
Replynido: yeah... but i wanted to use the same amount of letters... guess it will be %22luv's nuts%22 then...**relevant: haha lol
Replylove it.
Replypure genius haha
ReplyGROSS. No, this is funny.
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