jv personal logo

by • Uploaded: Dec. 09 '08


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Description: My personal logo. A crown of abscract letters j and v and stands for victory(my last name is victor). (Version 2)
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 1878

Lets Discuss

knownasilya Dec. 09 '08

Great colors, very warm and vintage!

THEArtistT Dec. 09 '08

There is a lot to like about this concept. The feel of it is slightly off for me, however. There is no doubt you have a J and V in the arrow mark pointing at your name, but I don't see a crown. I also think the kerning is too tight in your name. The arrow mark above is on the wide side in comparison to the text. I would widen the name a bit and loosen the kearning. Then lower the middle line of the arrow (the J) a little. Not even with the top of the V in the arrow, but lowering it may help give it the look of a crown you are going for.

jonvic Dec. 10 '08

Thanks THEArtistT. Appreciate your critique.*I will try some of your ideas. It's really strange how I've never seen the v as you did. It's very obvious haha.

jonvic Dec. 10 '08

New version up...

THEArtistT Dec. 11 '08

I do think this is better.

jonvic Dec. 11 '08

yae it's a bit more obvious... :)


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