Just an idea. Oculus means eye in latin.
Unused proposal
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The %22L%22 is not readable as an %22L%22 my friend, I still see a %22c%22*but love the typo treatment in this, and if you can find a solution to the %22L%22, this could go somewhere :)**How about you name it ( ocuco ) does that mean anything in italian hehehe, just joking loool***CHEERS
ReplyThis is a cool concept!**I like that the font is left or bottom heavy for the C and U, respectively. The L is not apparent, I thought it was a confused C. The O loses something by having the hole centered. **I wonder if you can make two of the letters look more like eyes (the Us) and work the rest of letters into either a face or just a simple typeface.
Replythanks for ideas. Agree with you joellet, the O isn't as strong as the others and the L is a bit of. I tried to use the same shapes for every character. Will try your ideas. Thanks!
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