
by • Uploaded: Jan. 27 '09 - Gallerized: Jan. '09


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Description: Internet dating website. sold on brandstack
Status: Client work
Viewed: 12218

Lets Discuss

jonvic Jan. 27 '09

thank you. What do you think of the colours?

jwg Jan. 27 '09

Very nice. Colors are nice too. Not a big fan of the background color though.

jonvic Jan. 27 '09

Ok. Good to know! Thank you.

mavric Jan. 27 '09

nicely done jonvic, like it.*clean crisp and expressive. and like the colors too, and am fine with the B.G**the concept is solid ***CHEERS

jonvic Jan. 28 '09

thanks guys... the thing with the bg was that it was purple before I changed it to black. :)

benlinford Jan. 31 '09

Well done, really cool concept. I can see a couple touching lips and hands as well as speech marks. Just out of interest did you try having the two parts of the mark slightly apart from one another? Might look even more solid as far as making out the speech marks goes...?

jonvic Jan. 31 '09

No I haven't work much on this actually, it was %22accidentally%22 created when I had another idea(which I have forgotten about now :p). thanks for comments. Really appreciate it :). Will try your ideas!

mabu Jan. 31 '09

Great job mate. I really like the simplicity of this one.

mushkabella Feb. 02 '09

I think it's a great logo. Nice work! The only thing I have to say is that I'm starting to get tired of the quotations. Nonetheless, you took it to another the same way Logomotive did with %22InstaQuote%22: If it's going to be an overplayed image like this, you really have to nail the great idea...which you both did. Again, nice!

jonvic Feb. 02 '09

thanks alot mushkabella! quotations and speechbubbles yaey...:)

jonvic Sep. 02 '09

Interesting dbunk %5E%5E

dbunk Sep. 03 '09

nothing to worry, its been withdrawn!


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