
by • Uploaded: Nov. 26 '11


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Description: "Sexy" logo for female-related activities, lingerie, women magazines, articles, etc. Typographic elements allows a graceful and classy approach. parentheses and the “Y” letter creates the idea of woman's hips and legs.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 5586
Tags: wordmark female garment soft

Lets Discuss

logoboom Nov. 26 '11

This is great. Very subtle.

firebrand Nov. 27 '11

Sorry to say this idea already exists on Logopond. Sadly it's not tagged so I can't find it.

jueves Nov. 29 '11

Thanks for the comments guys! This one has been on brandstack for 5-6 months. if some of you have the link of any similar logo please let me know.


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