
by • Uploaded: Jun. 05 '12


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Description: Logo for Actimel (Danone) company. Positive community for crazy people.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3808
Tags: people crazy actimel

Lets Discuss

hanuman shakti Jun. 05 '12

Great mark here! love it :)

brandingbros Jun. 06 '12

Great Mark..very neatly done..V

kaplon Jun. 07 '12

*(Hayes Image)
Only mark.

logoholik Nov. 13 '14

Very nice... missed this one...

type08 Nov. 14 '14

As a gallery moderator I've been told that only complete logo lockups can get a spot (logo mark and logotype together or logotype only if it's a typographic solution). I'm not saying that this shot doesn't deserve the gallery spot but is not complete, so David, let me know if "rules" have changed in the meantime :) TNX

ClimaxDesigns Nov. 14 '14

yeah not sure who put that in but yeah removed. Its always been a mainstay of the site to post logos with their type accompaniment. this is a really nice mark, but Ive always contended a mark can fail miserably next to fail type, also unless you are nike or some other hugely known well branded identity its not an automatic recognizable piece.

downwithdesign Nov. 14 '14

Reminds me of the Hatchetman logo.

logoholik Nov. 14 '14

^ ok :) fair :) it has some general resemblance


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