Twin Ladders

by • Uploaded: Feb. 02 '10


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Description: yet another film related concept that I just have to do it... hope it hasn't been done.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 2640

Lets Discuss

kathariney Feb. 03 '10

Thank you thank you, *I was feeling hopeless. jk.

nitish.b Feb. 03 '10

lol...kathariney...i must say this is a g8 observation...:)

kathariney Feb. 03 '10

@ nitish, thanks. Actually it hit my head when I was looking at some recent film related logo uploads. and i was thinking, no way i was the only who saw that %3B) looks like there's so much you can do with these black and white squares .**and thx guys for the floats!

tango217 Feb. 11 '10

i like the idea, but the type doesn't seem to match. imo.

kathariney Feb. 11 '10

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll play around with the type a bit :)


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