Fisheye Freshwater Lures

by • Uploaded: May. 13 '07


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Description: Logo for a company that produces freshwater fishing lures.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1817

Lets Discuss

muku May. 15 '07

i like this a lot.

tweak76 May. 15 '07

I like the logo and I'm no expert but I didn't think fish had eyelids... cool font

nido May. 15 '07

you didnt know fish had eyelids!!! %26 you call yourself a designer!!! the shame!!!**by the way i love this... brilliant!

mediajox May. 15 '07

What typeface is that? The local police cars use that on the sides of their cars.

Winger May. 21 '07

Nice mark, Not sure about the type and how it fits the company though.

kingshield May. 25 '07

I was trying to create a more hip feel for the logo. I went through quite a few different type options before I settled on this one.**Yes, it might have a sci-fi feel, but I think it conveys what I wanted it to.

kingshield May. 25 '07

Mediajox, The font is called %22Planet Kosmos%22.**Here is a link to where you can download it if you like.**

kingshield May. 25 '07

Thanks everyone!**I was trying to create a more hip feel for the logo, which is why I chose this font. I went through quite a few type options before I settled on this one.**Mediajox, The font is called %22Planet Kosmos%22.**Here is a link to where you can download it if you like.**


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