A Splash of Creativity

by • Uploaded: Apr. 17 '10


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Description: Personal logo, to be used as the for my portfolio website.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 1482

Lets Discuss

kreativekeenan Apr. 17 '10

Comments please!.. Is it ledgieble? Is it enough of a %22splash%22. I have been back and forth over and over on this. Some constructive feed back would be great :D

AlexWende Apr. 17 '10

this reminds me of venom from spiderman. It looks interesting but I'm not sure it says splash or water to me, it is more like an %22eerie%22 look imho.

kreativekeenan Apr. 17 '10

thanks for the comment. Any suggestion (possibly a link) to something more splash-ish. I hope i can salvage this :(

epsilon Apr. 17 '10

Feels unkempt and dirty. Like an oil, grease or goo dripping of the letters. It basically looks too viscous. Not sure if that was your intent. **Also, 'Of' in the smaller sizes is hard to recognize.**Also, 'Of' probably should not be capitalized. I am also not sure if you need an 'A' there.

kreativekeenan Apr. 17 '10

thanks for the comments. Yeah after i was finished it it looked at it and realized it has an oil look. any suggestions on how to make this more of a splash?


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