
by • Uploaded: Sep. 16 '09


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Description: ad agency
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1171

Lets Discuss

tass Sep. 16 '09

Another one that i like. Why the glow on the banana?

kuentin Sep. 17 '09

thx for your comments, the moon is not a bad thing to see in this mark, especially when you see the website we are animating these days... but, no! :) The glow on the banana it's simply a light, supposed to symbolize their creative ideas, just a non-standard way to show it, instead of using a bulb or sth

kuentin Sep. 17 '09

firebrand, yours is probably an idea I just subconsciously implied as well, and probably that's why I designed this one:*,m2,default,1%26m2albumid%3D4%26m2pictureid%3D23%26m2returnid%3D66%26page%3D66**sorry for the wrong description the website is new and I'm gonna correct it today*


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