by • Uploaded: Jun. 10 '11


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Description: Logo for a private village. "Azuole" is a Lithuanian woman name and also it is a feminine version of the word "Oak". There are a lot of oaks in this village. Extra type symbols were used to make Lithuanian characters. Refined version.
As seen on: Logotipu kurimas
Status: Client work
Viewed: 12664

Lets Discuss

contrast8 Jun. 10 '11

agree, logo is very nice, but not sure about type selection..

kugelis Jun. 10 '11

The symbol is very feminine. So I have used a solid type to create a strong %22muscular%22 foundation.*

jonnyd Jun. 10 '11

I think type is a good choice.

impodster Jun. 10 '11

Love this. And your type seems appropriate given your goals

brionisaacs Jun. 11 '11

clever use of negative space.

kugelis Jun. 12 '11

Thanks for the floats. I don't know if firebrand or ocular have done anything similar. I got inspiration from %22girl scouts%22 logo and Milton Glaser's Bob Dylan poster.

sbj Jun. 13 '11

leaf %26 face are common but i think they can live together..

Reply Jun. 13 '11

Great job. I like it.*

kugelis Oct. 05 '11

This principle has a lot of expressions. I myself found at least another 5 similar (but yet original) logo versions. The one which you found reminds too much of a girl scouts profile and the composition is dull. But I'm surprised that the colors are so similar.


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