School Shortcut

by • Uploaded: Jan. 05 '08


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Description: inspiration: books
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1743

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Jan. 05 '08

The center icon is a nice idea.

lisa156 Jan. 06 '08

Climazx, can u give me some link to see it?

Jeff Fisher LogoMotives Jan. 06 '08

I don't know that my %22S%22 made from two books was a totally original concept when I designed as many designers use stylized books as icon imagery or to create letterforms. **That said, I don't think the School Shortcut logo works real well from a readability standpoint. Part of the problem is the blue %22S%22 sets it apart from the rest of the text, instead of reading immediately clearly as part of the words. I initially read %22hortcut%22 and I think the word %22school%22 takes too much effort to determine.**- J.*


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