Ex libris. Composition of the first name letter and anchor. Anchor means personal hobby - yacht sailing.
Client work
Lets Discuss
Beautiful initial icon!
ReplyAgree with Inka.
ReplySveikinimai :)
Replygreat iconic work. like it.
Replythanks to all:)
ReplyNice and perfect workmanship!
ReplyWow, this is just fantastic.
ReplyReally cool lines in the mark.
Replyvel Lietuva, vel sveikinimai, smagus zenklas :)
Replythanks to all again:) I'm really happy to hear from you:)
Replynice work
Replythat's nice !
Replythanks Topicana:)
Replycool mark!
Replythank you pablodt:)
ReplyYour font is so perfect for you logo - which is absolutely great :) Good job
ReplyIt sure is a beaut!
Replythanks barbarocas and javaap:)
ReplyMaby left top of the M coul go behind the anchor?*Anyway nice mark and especially very interesting type.*Is it custom crafted?
Replythanks hyperborea:)*type under the mark - not custom, just font, fits good to this mark, agree:)
Replywow this one is really nice! Lietuviai irgi gali :D
Replyaisku, kad gali:)
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