
by • Uploaded: Jun. 10 '09


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Description: Copycats worst nightmare :)
As seen on: Logohunters
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3306

Lets Discuss

squarelogo Jun. 10 '09

A stolen logo vigilante service? I'm in.

OcularInk Jun. 10 '09

Brilliant logotype, Bojan. Now, let's get this site active. :-)

logoholik Jun. 10 '09

Next hunting season is scheduled on Sep 1st :) (vacation time meanwhile people, and i mean for rippers too, please...)

rudy hurtado Jun. 10 '09

Love the concept, and the logo too.

mister jones Jun. 10 '09

I think I've seen this before.... just kidding %3B)

firebrand Jun. 10 '09

Yeah let's get this revolution started. You, me, Logomotive, Ocularink, Raja and many others have been ripped too many times. It's inevitable there will be whining about legal issues but bravo for making a stand, Bojan!

gyui Jun. 10 '09

very cool logo and concept, can't wait to see the site.

theartistt Jun. 10 '09

LOVE this. And I do think you should run a %22Rip of the week/month%22 as part of the website. Looking forward to seeing this materialize. You going to include legal info as part of it?

jenlogo Jun. 10 '09

Great idea, Great job!

j-CAZ Jun. 10 '09

Well played. Rippers can run but they can't hide.

Brandsimplicity Jun. 10 '09

Sign me up brother...I'm cleaning my gun now!

oski Jun. 10 '09

Shot in target!!!

s7even Jun. 10 '09

justice has a new name!

logoholik Jun. 10 '09

*eeek, it's Gotham rounded. *hugs*

oski Jun. 11 '09

OK I see your point %3Cb%3Etonfue%3C/b%3E this concept was done before so many times that it's even hard to imagine how many times!*I appreciate your appeal to designers to get more inspiration from everyday world around us then logo sharing sites because that leads to more original staff but even if the idea is not super original %3Cb%3Elogoholik%3C/b%3E's execution is 100%25.**/I'm sorry if this will bore or annoy somebody/

dbunk Jun. 11 '09

looks like the hunting down has already begun !?!?!?

theartistt Jun. 11 '09

maybe I'm being idealistic, but I'm hoping the idea, logo and website really make a difference. once less rip is still one less.

OcularInk Jun. 15 '09

Toni, based on your actions and multiple attempts to put down other people and their work, it seems like you are the one that needs the ego boost. So, here's a pat on the back from me.

gyui Jun. 15 '09

I don't know what's going on between Bojan and Toni. I'm not sure if it was clearly stated what was going to come from this logo, but if a site is created that spots or identifies rippers, hope it's up and running soon. I personally like the initiative and the logo.

OcularInk Jun. 15 '09

Toni, I don't have a problem with you. Your arrogance can be quite annoying at times, but I don't have a problem with you. I would expect a high school student to give an %22honest opinion%22 like the one you did. Not an established and talented designer like yourself. You know as well as I do what a %22real%22 critique is. There's a difference between being honest and just plain rude. Just my two cents.

OcularInk Jun. 15 '09

And I'm fairly sure you deserved his %22smart ass reply%22. %3B-)

OcularInk Jun. 15 '09

Now you're just being immature, Toni. What gives?

lundeja Jun. 15 '09

While I understand the frustration, I have to agree a bit with Toni here. Setting up this site will likely be a waste of time for a few reasons. The first and most major one is that while you think you are outing these people, you aren't really outing them. Being that most of their %22design%22 work is done on logo contests, their work is done anonymously. You're not destroying their name by any means, just one of their maybe several usernames. Even if a site were to punish them by banning their IP address, it's an incredibly easy ban to get around.**Another thing to think about is who is going to be visiting this site? It's certainly not going to be people who are looking to get a logo design done, so who are you outing these people to? Other designers? What's the point? We all know that there are design thieves out there and there will continue to be thieves out there. The best way to stop someone from stealing your work is to report it to the webhost or to the site owner, not to put the rip up on a pointless forum.**As far as the logo goes, I wouldn't call it particularly original. I like that you tried to make it more so by having the horizontal bar used as part of the letters, but overall it is just %22meh%22 to me. In all honesty, I think your time would be better spent focusing on producing your own original work and not hunting witches. If you see a rip, report it where it actually serves a point to do so -- the source.

OcularInk Jun. 15 '09

Hey, people are going to rub you wrong your entire life. That's part of being human and living in this world. It shows a bigger person, though, to just ignore it. Anyways, I'm not a preacher. I apologize if I came across as rude. When I see someone gettin' kicked, I'm gonna say something. It's just in my nature. Even if I don't know what's lead up to it. But just know, I don't have anything against you.

gyui Jun. 15 '09

from my perspective, i see a lot of people spotting rippers on logopond, letting the designer know their logo was ripped, and then action is taken by that designer. but that's not what logopond's focus is, so having a site dedicated for that can't be all that bad. hey it's worth a shot IMO.%0D*%0D*@ Toni, i read most of your comments as honest and having the best intentions, but I can understand how people can see it as arrogant or rude. i knew a professor who shared his thoughts the same way. everyone thought he was an ass. but he actually helped prepare people for the real world honesty that is out there. with that said, i think you did show some personal frustration in your critiques above, but you saw how that differed from your normal critiques (with Kevin's help), so I say no worries and let's just move on :)

logomotive Jun. 15 '09

Nice to see a little spark on Logopond. been kinda boring lately.:)

dbunk Jun. 18 '09

I would agree with Toni as far as the %22CLANS%22 are concerned and he doesnt sugar coat his views %5Bso probably its bitter sometimes%5D . Fair point, this logo is not at par with other logos by Bojan, but doesnt deserve to be treated the way it is... IMO

andreiu Jun. 28 '09

very nice.. hunt the stealers! :P


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