101 princess St

by • Uploaded: Jul. 29 '08 - Gallerized: Aug. '08


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Description: new office space in manchester
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Viewed: 41945

Lets Discuss

robin303 Jul. 29 '08

I love the thing you did with the 101. But I do feel that the white in the top of the zero distracts a bit from what otherwise would have been a perfect shape. Do you understand what I'm saying? So basically: too much white in the zero. **I like the type of Princess Street. Is that the type used on street signs over there?

Type08 Jul. 29 '08

Like this a lot... Looks very refreshing...

gorz Jul. 29 '08

nice colorsm, but to much elements for the logo!

gorz Jul. 29 '08

nice colors, but to much elements for the logo!*Just my opinion...

koodoz Jul. 29 '08

In my best 'Mockney' impersonation - %22This is right proper lovely%22

longpig Jul. 30 '08

ClimaxDesigns.......Clipart? Are you having a laugh!!!**each coloured dot has been considered and placed in purposfully. **Which rejected logo are you refering to, enlighten me?

nido Jul. 30 '08

it is clipart.. not yours.. but the one climax is referring too.. i remember it too.. im sure someone will find it soon enough no doubt.. just make sure your sitting down when they do:)

dache Jul. 30 '08

It was a logo by Brandon Barnard and it is no longer on this site I believe.

nido Jul. 30 '08

maybe.. but it existed before Brandons as clipart

longpig Jul. 30 '08

I will have a quick search / google brandon Barnard, I am intrigued to see the logo.

longpig Jul. 30 '08

thanks for the feed back guys, **hey Robin303 i will look at filling the white space on the zero, I quite liked the smaller circles breaking out the 'type frame'

Leppat Aug. 03 '08

I don't know about any clipart, but i agree with the comment about the whitespace in the zero. The colours are quite bright, and the whitespace gives an illusion of the upper part of the zero beeing thinner than the lower part. The curve seems badly drawn because of this. **Anyway, as a whole it is fresh and neat - good job (given that it is not clipart, of course).

brandon Barnard Aug. 10 '08

hey guys Brandon here, you guys are sharp!! yeah i see the resembelence to my logo but even my logo was bought and then I modified the logo. the circles are very close but i don't think it was an intential copy. **I will set up link for you guys of the logo's in did.

seifip Aug. 13 '08

Yeah it's nice but I kinda agree with gorz and the white space in the zero is definitely unnecessary

Pollyk Aug. 14 '08

I quite like the white space in the zero as it makes the logo less rigid, but think it needs a little bit of tweaking (maybe make the purple and small geen circles whole). I'm not too keen on the pattern repeat though, the two large red circles with a yellow highlight are really distracting.%0D*%0D*BTW love your username - they were a great band!%0D*%0D*Poll

easilyamused Aug. 15 '08

Refreshing. Gives me a good feeling

longpig Aug. 17 '08

thanks for the feed back guys....**@PollyK - I will look at the repeat pattern thing across the '1' %26 '0' i agree that this needs a bit of tweaking, and making the sml green and purple circles whole should make it better without taking anything away from the brand.**watch this space for new brands and development of '101 Princess street'**thanks again guys... :)

Michigan Web Dec. 27 '09

A lot of text. Very cool though.

griddle Oct. 29 '10

Okay, I have to say that I did like the logo and hope to find more good ones of this website.


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