Tom Allen Taylor

by • Uploaded: Feb. 06 '10


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Description: Monogram exploration for the newest clothing line from Tom Allen Taylor.
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4124

Lets Discuss

Art Machine Feb. 06 '10

Cool.Saw an %22i%22 in the negative space at first but then the %22A%22 said Hello.

ksnagra Feb. 06 '10

Very nice indeed :D

mabu Jun. 21 '10

Thanks gents. **@seearno: A tit or just the letters tit? :-)

JoePrince Jun. 21 '10

Like it Mads :) Maybe the circle could be a little smaller in relation to the inside elements though...just a thought. Lot of dead space as is.

plantingseeds Jun. 21 '10

I did read it as TiT :D

mabu Jun. 21 '10

Thanks my friend. You might have a good point there, but as I tried to make the circle smaller, it suddently didn't gave the visual breathing room for the eye, that I was going for. The current amount of white space makes it less cramped and overwhelming. Maybe it's just me mate. There are different opinions about less is more.

mabu Jun. 21 '10

@plantingseeds: I can live with that. It would be a lot worse, if you were seeing an actual tit.


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