Divinos Acorianos

by • Uploaded: Oct. 22 '07


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Description: Film identity.
As seen on: MarcosBG Portfolio
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2068

Lets Discuss

ryantoyota Oct. 22 '07

Quite a bit going on. Is it a film festival logo, or a film company logo? It would be beautiful as a festival logo, but I think it's a bit busy for a company logo.

cobaltcow Oct. 22 '07

agree with ryan - would be awesome for a film festival - but probably too busy for a company logo.

marcosbg Oct. 22 '07

Thanks for the comments! **There is not a company logo.**This logo was maded for a documentary film about azores (portugal) and florianopolis (brazil). The brand concept is a window that approaches the common historical and cultural background of these two islands.

frontend Oct. 23 '07

Ah cara%E7as, ganda logo!!!**As for what ryan said, I think that even if this was meant to be printed, I guess it would require some braining but it can really shine if used properly.

marcosbg Oct. 23 '07

The logo was used for the printed project only.**http://portfolio.marcosbg.com

webing Oct. 24 '07

Its very nice, but i had problems to read it like 2 words.


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