by • Uploaded: Jul. 07 '10


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Description: Logo for ZNZ architecture, design and technology.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2515

Lets Discuss

libran005 Jul. 08 '10

wow... this is creative... though it looks like ZSZ

markmir Jul. 08 '10

Agree, but N is readable too) Thank you for comment

OcularInk Jul. 08 '10

The geometric approach is nice and makes sense. One thing that might be an issue are the colors. With the thick horizontal lines, it comes across as caution or construction. Perhaps a color change would be in order? One other minor nit picky thing, the spacing between the N and second Z isn't the same as the first Z and N. Interesting solution you've got here though.

markmir Jul. 08 '10

OcularInk, thank you for constructive comment

milou Jul. 08 '10

I have the same problem, read it as ZSZ.

epsilon Jul. 08 '10

This is really great. Though agree with others regarding N/S... Perhaps chopping off a bit of pointy right end of the bottom triangle (and same for the top one) would help form a more recognizable N?

markmir Jul. 14 '10

Thanks for comments*


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