Marvin Kennis

by • Uploaded: Feb. 17 '11


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Description: Personal logo that I made a while back. Still needs some refinement regarding the height/width ratio, but other than that it seems okay to me? Both my initials M and K are in there and I've never seen it before. Comments and feedback are always appreciated!
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 3560

Lets Discuss

Sean Heisler Feb. 17 '11

I like it a lot, Marvin, nice job.

marvin k. Feb. 17 '11

Thanks a lot, Sean! Really appreciate it :)

nitish.b Feb. 17 '11

the K needs a lil fixing, i also c the predator face in this mark...:D

marvin k. Feb. 17 '11

Haha, I'm always hunting for new clients! %3B) But I agree with you. The V form at the top of the K doesn't seem right/slightly unbalanced. I'll work on it, Thanks!

cresk Mar. 03 '11

Nice and clever mark..

marvin k. Mar. 06 '11

Thanks alot, Gert! I appreciate it.

marvin k. Apr. 13 '11

Should be perfectly aligned now


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