Fast click

by • Uploaded: Aug. 05 '11


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Description: Logo for advanced web-site company (concept)
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4101
Tags: pavel saksin paul saksin ino

Lets Discuss

watermarker Aug. 06 '11

I wonder, why a good meant hint gets deleted? I still think, that an author should be informed, if his design can get to be associated with some negative content. My comment wasn't meant to be offensive, especially as I think, that the mentioned content is generally not unknown to the public.**I still like the concept and workout here very much and gave it a float.

master_ino Aug. 06 '11

watermarker, sorry, there is not pressed, I would answer that the client said the same thing) thanks.

artmns2 Aug. 06 '11

silent hill, hehe

oski Aug. 10 '11

I like where you placed TM, nice mark.

atomicvibe Aug. 10 '11

This is a nicely iconic mark. Simple, bold, dynamic. I like it!

javaap Aug. 11 '11

Yeah it reminded me of Silenthill as well, . but its a non issue only gamers will get that.

Scismatica Nov. 08 '11

Nice and original way to use a very common icon (the cursor).


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