World of Camping

by • Uploaded: May. 12 '10


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Description: Revised mark for World of camping.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 5042

Lets Discuss

tonyGdesign May. 22 '10

wow! it%B4s awesome! en qu%E9 programa lo hiciste?

matt.h May. 23 '10

Many thanks! My spanish isn't great but i think you're asking what program this was created in? If so, it was created in illustrator... sorry if I've misunderstood.

Yatata May. 23 '10

love it! also, what if the sheep was a bit 'rounder' and fluffy, so he was slightly more raised and less flush with the contour of the planet? It might help to balance out the trees. Overall it's fantastic!

matt.h May. 23 '10

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions! This project is temporarily on hold but there may be updates in the next couple of weeks.


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