Dallas Stars Concept Logo

by • Uploaded: Aug. 06 '08


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Description: Part of my "Rebranding the NHL" series....
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Viewed: 16494

Lets Discuss

darrel Aug. 06 '08

Nice, but doesn't really say 'hockey'. Then again, most new NHL logos don't say 'hockey' either.

Oxide Aug. 07 '08

I can't wait to see more %22Rebranding the NHL%22 **I'm glad to see you already addressed one of the most horrendous logos of all pro sports (Tampa Bay).

bartodell Aug. 07 '08

Sorry but not liking this one. Saw this on the blog and on sportslogos.net boards, just does not say Texas Hockey to me. I know the Stars logo is a rehash of the Northstars, but this is too MTV for them.

jhammond Jul. 04 '09

I totally disagree with bartodell. I think this is a great logo. **The Star's logo has been the same since they left Minnesota. I think it's time that they updated it with something a little more regionally relevant. Plus why do people think that sports teams need logos that include some reference to the sport i.e. a hockey stick.

cropmarks Jul. 07 '09

They really need to call you. No%3B really.


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