Barkman Furniture V.1

by • Uploaded: Sep. 21 '11


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Description: The name Barkman is derived from Bergman (might be spelled wrong) which originated in Germany. Roughly translated, Bergman means mountain man. Hence the mountains...
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 7859

Lets Discuss

valbo Sep. 21 '11

I like. One thing though, they look like pyramids.. might want to edge the mountains a bit just so it is clear what they are.

designtofeel Sep. 21 '11

I really love how this looks, I think it's really nicely done. My one gripe is that it doesn't look like a logo for a furniture company%3B doesn't feel right for it. Outside of that context though, it's great.

cnasshan Sep. 21 '11

I like the depth in this... it's surprisingly effective.

emesghali Sep. 22 '11

is it Egyptian furniture?

Type and Signs Sep. 22 '11

no ... no ... no ... inuit !! beautiful sign ... and the German Bergmann needs two %22n%22 ... %3BD

megashred13 Sep. 22 '11

I was 95%25 certain that he wasn't going to choose an option with mountains in it so I didn't spend too much time on this proposal. I may still take the time to sit down and refine this one if I can see my way through this crazy month. Thanks for the looks and the comments!

Rokac Sep. 22 '11

It's interesting for sure. IMO you don't need the mountains. The type itself is unique enough. I would only fix the kerning between the %22M%22 and %22A%22.

yuro Sep. 22 '11

I love these characters)


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