Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church

by • Uploaded: Aug. 01 '08


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Description: Twin Oaks wanted a logo that communicates their roots in orthodox doctrine, their Scottish Presbyterian heritage, and their commitment to building strong community both in and out of the church.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8787

Lets Discuss

gthobbs Aug. 01 '08

Nice. It's awfully tall but....nice.

nettogirl Aug. 01 '08

Like the Trinity in roots and the Celtic look of the roots... *Agree with gthobbs... it's tall all right.

OcularInk Aug. 02 '08

Definitely is a tall one, but I could see this translating well into corporate stationery. The mark could still use a bit more attention regarding execution ( mainly the bottom area ), but still, this is very nice.

metagramme Aug. 06 '08

%22The mark could still use a bit more attention regarding execution ( mainly the bottom area)%22...**Would you care to elaborate? Are you talking about the roots in the mark? That was given a lot of attention...I'm not sure how it could be improved, my boss and I went around and around with this one. The goal was to make the knotwork look like it was originally intended to be part of the letter. I started out with geometric shapes and then flattened or accelerated some of the curves to make it a bit more natural.**As to the height of the logo, that was intentional. We wanted it to feel transcendant, as well as architecturally mirroring the incredibly tall steeple that makes the church a local landmark.


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