Emphasizes company's core value of aiming for growth. The arrow points upwards to that end. Bow also symbolizes AIM's global focus as it appears to be a horizon.
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I prefer this over the other direction.*I can see something clever coming out of this one.**I don't read AIM, rather A/M.*I think the arrow should be used horizontally or at a slight angle.
Replythanks for the input Paul! You're right it does read %22AM%22 not %22AIM%22
ReplyAIM with an arrow... hmm. Be careful there. The American Indian Movement is a registered terrorist group in the United States. I would stay away from arrows and feathers which are both used in a variety of AIM logos already.
ReplyThat's hilarious! Thanks for the input artistt. I did some logo research, and the terrorist group has two logos one uses a peace symbol and the other an eagle.
ReplyI said they are registered as a terrorist group by the US government. I'm a member and don't think of myself as a terrorist or anyone else in the movement actually. I know the South Texas AIM chapter uses an arrow in their logo. The South Dakota chapter uses feathers. There are chapters everywhere and they aren't necessarily online.**Now I don't think you'll have any issues with the American Indian Movement or their chapters, but the use of AIM initials and something that can be construed as a native american symbol with them could convey the wrong idea to customers. If the target audience is young, you will probably not have issues. Certainly if the logo is used outside of the US, you'll probably be ok as well.
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