by michaelspitz • Uploaded: Nov. 07 '10
Unused mark exploration for healthcare logistics.
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
%5EI agree with all of the above. And btw, just because I'm wondering, why are so many designers using textured effects on logos now? 95%25 of the time I don't think it's relevant.
Reply@Type08 / JP - HA! Yeah...that's what I get for using a crop of the same image %3E noisy right %3B) I was messing around with the saturation in PS and I think I just overcooked it a little... This guy's definitely still in the 'sketch' phase (so not final color, etc.) but I can pretty much guarantee there won't be any texture applied to a final... Of course with regard to Tony's response I agree entirely. I'll get us a cleaner version in the meanwhile %3B)
ReplyAs requested %3E squeaky clean %3B)
ReplyAnd of course thanks a lot guys!
ReplyMuch better, I can can't hear the noise now :P Cheers MS!
ReplyMichael, I wonder what it would look like reversing the mark. I know why it's this way because of the way we usually see the US flag, but by reversing it you actually have a P there.
ReplyProbably best this way though. I like it.
Reply@JP - Cheers Buddy! :)
Reply@logomotive - Thanks a lot Mike :) The company isn't actually called 'Patriotic Healthcare' I could have mentioned that in the description... (I'll make a note) 'Patriotic' is just one of the key descriptive terms from the brief.
Replyone float from me, saw the us flag instantly. really cool work, curious how this would look with typography and color
Reply@AlexWende - Thanks a lot Alex! The name is nice and short, so I think it'll balance out well. Color to come :)
ReplyVery nice.
ReplyGood thinking!
ReplySo simple and so unique...just a great Logo!
ReplyThanks a lot guys! :) Sending this guy off in color w/type to the client on Friday... I'll wait to hear back %3E then I'll post an update.
Reply**UPDATE** Client decided to pass on this guy in the end, opting for a simple typographic approach. (Chosen design in still in development) Guess I'll just have to find this guy another home... %3B)
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