The Watch Project

by • Uploaded: Mar. 11 '09


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Description: New brand of watches. Swiss parts, assembled in Singapore.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1660

Lets Discuss

Paul Rand Mar. 11 '09

I like the WP mark.*The extended font is a good choice.*Hasn't it been done before though.

mister jones Mar. 11 '09

i'm sure it has been done. The client wanted a clean, memorable mark (WP, which will be on the watches). *Sorry to post another luxury brand (yes, the watches are very expensive), they're a bit boring from a logopond point of view - no clever icons, just typo. It happens to be the way i'm going now, simple marks with big brand expressions. It's a pity we can't show these expressions here.

mister jones Mar. 11 '09

erratum: %22It happens to be the way i'm going now%22 means, the kind of work i'm doing now professionally. I still enjoy creating more intricate illustrative marks with many levels of meaning, don't get me wrong.

epsilon Mar. 11 '09

Something is off. Either the stoke is too thin or the mark is a tad too wide. It feels like one of the logos they would made up for a computer game content. **I really like your work, but I don't think this is on par with other items.

epsilon Mar. 11 '09

To clarify - it's off by a _smudge_. It feels like tweaking it just a little bit would bring it into a balanced state.

Paul Rand Mar. 11 '09

good eye epsilon.*i see it too as if the P recedes slightly, the bottom leg may need lengthening slightly.**@mister jones, after your explanation I feel your mark fits*the market well. this may be your niche.

mister jones Mar. 11 '09

it's a work in progress, so thanks for the feedback everyone. Epsilon, I see what you mean, will do some finetuning.


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