Rajah & Tann

by • Uploaded: Jan. 27 '10


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Description: Final approved logo for Singaporean law firm Rajah & Tann. Created while working for Equus Brand Consultants Singapore.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3547

Lets Discuss

barryconvex Feb. 01 '10

I like minimalist logos, but I%B4m sorry to say that I see really nothing substantially brandable or unique about this one. (Apart from the color combination but that simply doesn%B4t suffice.) It looks unbalanced, which in this case makes even less sense to me due to the nature of the client%B4s business.%0D*I don%B4t want to write something negative for the sake of being negative, I%B4m simply curious what the reasoning behind this is and if I%B4ve missed something.

logomotive Feb. 01 '10

Barry, I can understand your thinking, but on the same token I'm sure Mr Jones here could teach you a thing about design, so stay tuned.

mister jones Feb. 02 '10

It's ok, I knew I'd get similar replies if I would show the logo without the expression (which is still in production). *Barry, a brand is not just a logo, that mark is just a small element of it and definitely not the only brandable part. The brand will be expressed through the visual design (identity, color schemes, typography, print finishing, interactivity etc), copywriting (tone of voice - style of writing, which is probably the most important aspect), photography, spatial design (interiors, signages) and even uniforms etc - the list goes on.*I'll show this when it's ready, and then it will all make a lot of sense, trust me :)

mcdseven Feb. 02 '10

%5Eexcellent summary and explanation of the logo and its relationship with its brand.

bigoodis Jun. 04 '10

full identity set is very very strong mister jones. Beautiful work!


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