by • Uploaded: Jun. 05 '08
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I think if you work on the spacing between the mark and type, this will be more effective. Overall, very nice though. I love the mark.
Wow, that's nice. I agree with Oc. Kerning is a little jacked too.
gthobbs has it correct as usual about the kerning. Lovely mark, though. I like the spacing around the main text myself.
thank you Ocularlnk, i agree with you. thanks gthobbs and THEArtist, appreciate your comments.
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Lets Discuss
I think if you work on the spacing between the mark and type, this will be more effective. Overall, very nice though. I love the mark.
ReplyWow, that's nice. I agree with Oc. Kerning is a little jacked too.
Replygthobbs has it correct as usual about the kerning. Lovely mark, though. I like the spacing around the main text myself.
Replythank you Ocularlnk, i agree with you.
Replythanks gthobbs and THEArtist, appreciate your comments.
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