Art for Life wip6

by • Uploaded: Sep. 05 '10


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Description: Art auction and cocktail reception. This is the original drawing
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2901

Lets Discuss

muse7 Sep. 06 '10

Thank you Alen. *I'm glad the perspective is showing through. *We are working with art galleries and a law firm on this project and I believe they want a clean classic mark, so I am approaching it in several ways. **LP - I appreciate all the (swimmer) votes.

muse7 Sep. 06 '10

Thank you Alena, I appreciate your comment.

cesaralbuquerque DCP Sep. 07 '10

quiet fluid and strong. there is a diference between the lettering and the shape suraunding it. the last on in a bit rigid, not so organic as the lettering. Not sayng that's bad, just sayng that both could be in a better simbiosys. Sorry for the pour english.

muse7 Sep. 07 '10

Thanks for the comments. I softened the corners of the lines forming the palette shape.

LadyGrey Apr. 06 '11

AFood calligrapy palette)

LadyGrey Apr. 06 '11

Good calligrapy palette)


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