Proposed logo for a Italian Asian fusion restaurant. My concept the tomato gong.
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
nice concept*
ReplyThanks for the comment sergiu.lazin.
ReplyThis concept is genius muse! I think you can tighten up the type treatment just a little bit- but other than that I love it.
ReplyThanks Chad. Been stumped as to what font to replace it with. I'm not fond of the fonts for this either. Ideas?
ReplyHa! I was looking...and looking...and thinking...ok...ok...I don't get it...then I saw the tomato. Clever and cheeky!
ReplyThanks logoboom. Any ideas on the font. I'm not sure it is the best choice.
ReplyI don't like the type
ReplyTry the type on one line with EAST OF same size?
ReplyMaking it plain and simple, I think the type is too busy comparing with mark. right now they are competing with each other. Glens advice might help that. I would suggest East and Italy being the same and less dramatic typeface and perhaps a smaller %22of%22 in a different face. I think the slight curves of the typeface and serifs are conflicting with the straight lines of the mark.
ReplyThis is much cleaner now. But I'd flip the mallet so it angles the other direction and doesn't interfere with the %22f%22.
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